Health Insurance

Health Insurance

You care about your family and want to keep them safe in case the unthinkable occurs. Thus, it is crucial to think about how much health insurance you need, especially if you are responsible for supporting family members. An insurance plan for health care can assist in paying for necessary medical costs, including those associated with planned hospitalization, medical crises, and non-hospitalization medical treatment. At Premier Select Insurance we can enroll you with Affordable Care Act Marketplace plans to save you on healthcare costs. Monthly premiums for Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace plans vary by state and can be reduced by subsidies.

Wondering how insurance premiums are decided? The Affordable Care Act ensures that insurance companies cannot discriminate based on gender, current health status, or medical history. Here are factors that determine health insurance premiums:

Age, tobacco, location, plan category (Catastrophic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum)

Deductibles, copays, coinsurance, number of family members on plan

There are many types of health insurance, to find out which one is right for you and your family, contact us today and we will help you choose based on your needs.

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